Thursday, June 20, 2019

Build Your Foundation

I worked on construction site where we constructed a 56 story high rise building. The foundation for that building went down in the ground 38 stories. They believe this foundation would withstand future earthquakes in the area. Moral of the story, the higher you want to go in life, the deeper your foundation has to be.

Those that build their live on thin foundation crumble and fall when the storms of life show up. Prepare for the storm while you can. Trying to prepare for the storm in the midst of the storm rarely works. 

To have a strong foundation you start off establishing a personal relationship with God. From your heart be honest as you possibly can and talk to Him. God will meet you where you are. Attending support group meetings, working with your sponsor, and finding a church home adds to the foundation. Once you surrender God will navigate you through this maze called life.

Another factor in building this foundation is applying the information you learn into your life.  Some call it working the program. Others call it living the program. It’s for sure you can’t sit on the side line and be a spectator.

Stay Woke: It’s up to you on how far you want to go in life. Built your foundation deep and the sky is the limit!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

There is power in humility

By the time most of us make it to the halls of recovery we had to be humbled. Because of our denial, pride, and willing to control, blinded us from humbling ourselves and receiving help.

Many of us saw humility as a weakness, we thought we had to fight with all our might and power to gain control only to find out we were digging a deeper hole. Lack of power was surely our dilemma.

Turning our will and lives over to God for many was the last house on the block. Not knowing that it was the best house on the block. We found out that God would not get in the way of the power we though we had, and at any time if we wanted to take our power back God would not get in our way. He will step to the side and let you fall again, but because of his love for us He will be right there to pick you up, dust you off hoping this time we will totally surrender and let Him be the captain of our ship.

Learning how to humble ourselves, and throwing up the white flag is what God was waiting for. Once again it starts with humbling yourself. There’s no way you can get around it. Those that surrender to humility early avoid a lot of pain and aggravation later on in life.

Stay Woke: Humble thyself before the Lord and He will exalt you!

Sunday, May 5, 2019

“Be still and know that He Is God”

Embarking on this new life in recovery many will find themselves in “uncharted waters”. On this road we find ourselves faced with situations that in the past we drank and or used. In the beginning we take advice from those that went before us. We cling on to how they overcame their trials and tribulations.

In the infant stage of our recovery examples on how to live is all around us. But as we grow and mature the mountains in our lives become steeper. Like a baby birds first attempt to fly and is pushed out of the nest we find ourselves leaning more on God and God alone.

When we “Be still and know that He is God” we surrender to the awesome power and direction of God. We surrender to the fact that His plan is better than ours. The faster we learn how to “Be still“ the easier life becomes. “Being still” humbles us, and when the problems of life arise that are out of our control “Being still” teaches us to surrender.

Even our prayers have changed. It's no longer our will be done but His will be done in our lives. We recognize God has our best interest at heart. We learn to rest in His decision, even if He is silent in this process.  The muscles of patience and trust are being strengthened at this time. So we move through life knowing everything is going to be alright.

Stay Woke: Keep your hand in God's hand, knowing He didn’t bring us this far to let us go!

Monday, April 22, 2019

“First Build Your Foundation”

I worked on construction site where we were building a 56 story high rise building. The foundation for that building when down in the ground 38 stories. They believe this foundation would withstand future earthquakes. Moral of the story, the higher you want to go in life, the deeper your foundation has to be.

Those that build their lives on thin foundation crumble and fall when the storms of life show up. Prepare for the storm while you can. Trying to prepare for the storm in the middle of the storm rarely works. 

To have a strong foundation you start off securing your relationship with God. From the heart talk to Him matter of fact He’s been waiting for you. He will meet you where you are and start that foundation  work. Meetings, sponsors and friends in the rooms of recovery adds to the foundation as God chips away at the old you. Once you surrender He will navigate you through this maze called life.

Another factor in building this foundation is applying this information into your life.  Some call it working the program. Others call it living the program. It’s for sure you can’t sit on the side line and be a spectator.

Stay Woke: It’s up to you on how far you want to go in life. Built your foundation deep and the sky is the limit!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

"Learn to put the fires out before you”

Once we we finally surrender to recovery convinced that we have no power over our addiction we have “tunnel vision”, all we want to do is stay clean and sober. We vowed to God “if He’d just keep us free we’d never ask for anything again. The pain of drinking and using has taken its toll and the white flag of surrender is flying high.
Unbeknown to us there was a whole lot more to recovery than just staying clean and sober, and even more important God had a plan for our lives. Unexpected miracles begin to appear. Bridges that seem impossible to fix was now being repaired. God gave us our families back or in some cases he gave us new families. We now have order stability and God was given us direction. Many of these things were un-heard of in our addiction.
Along with this new life we gain responsibilities, and those things we ran from in our old life are back but this time we have tools to deal with them that we’ve learned in recovery. Just for today we learn to “put out the fires before us” one situation at a time, one problem at a time and those problems that are beyond our means we learn to turn them over to God. We’ve learned how not to be overwhelmed, the sun will rise again tomorrow and we’ll try again. Today we fight against stress and worry. God has brought us from a mighty long way. We’ve been over paid!
Stay Woke: Take no thought for tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself! (Mathew 6:34)

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

"One Day at a Time"

Walking through the doors of recovery, life look like an unbeatable monster, and because of our pass dealings with this monster why even try to gain freedom again. Today we can see that it was only God doing for us what we couldn’t do for ourselves.

With no more fight left we heard one of the most profound saying that would forever change our lives. “One day at a time!” This phase brought order, hope and strength into our lives. Just for today I will not drink or use. Just for today I will take care of those things that are right in front of me. Just for today I’ll be okay with me.

Yes sometimes we have to break it down to one hour at a time, or even one minute at a time. One day at a time has now transferred to “one problem at a time,” or “one decision at a time.” We have learned how to put out the fires before us, then move to the next one. We have learned they will be there when we get there. Slowly but surely God has allowed us to see the light at the end of the tunnel. (And it’s not a Mack Truck) Life is worth living again.

Stay Woke: Take no though for tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

“By any means necessary"

How much effort should a newcomer put into recovery? Does it really take 90 meetings in 90 days? Do they really have to check in with their sponsor daily? To some this may seem like a lot. One newcomer said “I think there trying to brain wash me!” Well if you got paid on Friday and was broke Saturday morning you need your brain washed.

We have lost good jobs, neglected our families and visited many institutions and that didn’t stop us. We dare not try and add up all the monies we spent on drugs and alcohol. Depressing!

How much is too much when seeking freedom? One writer wrote “we need to go to any length to stay clean and or sober, by any means necessary!” We can’t let anything get in our way when seeking freedom. Those first days, months, years are critical to what will happen for the rest of our lives. In these early days we build a foundation that will help us through the difficult days ahead. It is said “Whatever you put before your recovery will be the second thing you lose”. (Think about it)

We find comfort in the fact that it’s not by luck we get another chance at life. Many don’t get this chance.  Some lose their minds or even their lives. We have to recognize we are in the biggest fight we will ever face and there’s no guarantee we will get another chance at this freedom.

Stay Woke: You are in a fight for your life!

Build Your Foundation

I worked on construction site where we constructed a 56 story high rise building. The foundation for that building went down in the groun...